As small business owners, our credo is:
Do Something Local Every Day
You can substitute your town/city with the word "local".
It really is that simple.
The 3/50 Project is dedicated to supporting the local businesses.
How? Commit to spending $50 a month in three locally owned, independent businesses.
Why? For every $100 spend at locally owned, independent businesses,
$68 goes back into the local economy.
For every $100 spent at national retailers,
only $43 goes back into the local economy.
As local business owners since 2004, we have recently
taken the opportunity to participate.
This project brings the facts to the forefront
about the stake we each claim in supporting our local economy.
You can join The 3/50 Project by visiting their website.
You can join The 3/50 Project by visiting their website.
Anyone can register as a supporter whether you are a storefront retail store, brick and mortar business, association, group, manufacturer, wholesaler, sales agency, national/regional brand name, council member, or individual.
Registration is free, flyers are free, information is free.
Educating ourselves and each other on the positive economic impact
of supporting local businesses is priceless.
We are excited to be a part of this project,
We are excited to be a part of this project,
both as a business and as individuals.
We hope you are too.