Inspired by a friend's bus birthday for her daughter's third birthday (we'll share that one tomorrow!) - we set up a fun, bus themed party for our oldest daughter last weekend. She had fifteen friends and classmates come over for a Fun Bus party. The Fun Bus has mats, swings, and lots of gymnastics items inside and two instructors kept the kids happily entertained for a whole hour. All we had to do was put together the decorations and prep some lunch and birthday treats for the kids and sit back and wait for the bus to arrive on the party day. One of the easiest parties ever!
Favors included a yellow school bus, some sunglasses and tootsie rolls - because that is totally how we roll and we all had a wheel good time!!
Lunch was served up snack-size style in ice cube trays. With that many kids, it was easier to give them a little bit of everything to please any and all picky palettes. We included: corn, yogurt covered raisins, goldfish, strawberries, edamame, grapes, teddy grahams, apples, peas, pirate's booty, turkey, pineapple, blueberries and pretzels.
:: ride on ::