On our wish list this year are some of our favorite items to buy. But we also long for learning more about our favorite obsessions and things to try. Currently all things paper sway us - from crafting crave worthy letterpress pieces to writing the perfect story to painting, patterns and color. We don't dream of summers spent lounging poolside with boat drink in hand (ok, maybe we do) but instead wish for days full of creating and learning, our fingers full of ink and stained with color.
We'll start with a letterpress workshop at The Center for Book Arts in NYC. Not like we ever need an excuse to hit up the Big Apple, but when there is a Vandercook involved, we'll be there. We just need to get our p's and q's in a row. Next, we'll retreat home to take an online writing class from Gotham. Maybe Children's Book Writing or Creative Writing 101 to get our writer's block unhinged and to (finally) put pen to paper. Good quality paper, of course. The best part is we can sit in our pajamas on the couch with laptop in hand and be in class at the same time. Or better yet, lounging poolside after all. Then we'll finish our summer with an early September visit to Squam Art Workshops. Several days spent on the lake in New Hampshire sounds good enough, curled up by a fireplace in an old rustic cabin with a cup of tea. Add on the writing, art, creativity and photography classes and we're in nirvana...no wait, we really are still in New Hampshire.
Just like summer camp, without the sing-alongs, bad food, bunk beds and snarky counselors.